Friday, October 9, 2009


Matt 26-28

What is amazing to me, is that to start off this study Jesus is already looking down the road just ahead of him. He drops the word Betrayed. What is crazy is that Mary didn't even know that when she bought, brought, and poured that fragrant oil on Jesus; she was preparing him for burial in a way that they weren't going to be able to do because of the Sabbath. God had looked into the future in such a way that he planned out how to keep the Sabbath by using Mary. And sure enough Jesus is right, we are talking about Him, but her story is being read and told.

It always boggled my mind as to why none of the disciples really paid any attention to Jesus saying that Judas was going to betray Him, and that it would have been better for him not to be born! Like, did they miss that?! And then Judas betrays Jesus with a kiss. The very thing that God created to be an example of love. The thing that every generation learns from their parents and thinks they discover with someone else. Such a sad abuse of that gift.

Someone says that Jesus' silence spoke louder than his words...I think before the phrase, actions speak louder than words. It's also interesting that someone says that if Pilate wouldn't have pronounced the death sentence for Jesus, the mob would have taken him and crucified him anyway. Wow, what a different life Pilate might have had.

What I think is so Awesome about Jesus is that he looked into the future at what he would have to endure and kept walking. He started up the path and it became harder, but he kept walking. When it was so hard that he was proclaiming his desire for another way, and an angel had to come steady him, he kept walking. And when the road became a path of blood, and a literal hill that he had to climb with a cross on his back, he kept walking. Jesus plodded faithfully and passionately upon the hardest road ever. Man of God--God of Man

Thursday, October 8, 2009


Acts 7

The craziest thing that Stephen does in my eyes is that he preaches without fear to the Sanhedrin. This seems like no big deal, but really he is like the precurser to John Huss, Jerome, Martin Luther and all those other brave men that stood before powers and authorities and loudly proclaimed, "You can take my body, you can take my life, but you will never get me to turn from my God whom I Love and will gladly die for!"

Whoa, sorry about that, went preaching there for a sec. Something that I always found intriguing is that I can't follow his logic of where he is going with any of what he says. The best I can come up with is that he is saying don't be like the grumblers of old, accept the truth. One thing I learned while I was in Hebrew class with Leatherman and we were going through the book of Ruth, was that there needed to be certain witnesses. So they would get the parties involved together at the gate of whatever city, and they would call the elders, and there would need to be at least three elders. These elders had to be men that knew the particular situation that they were dealing with, all its history, and could make a fair ruling. When Stephen was stoned, God was following the rules that he set up in Israel. vs. 54 says that they were cut to the heart, then vs. 55 says [stephen] was full of the Holy Ghost (so obviously he is present). and later in vs. 55 Stephen says he saw...Jesus standing on the right hand of God. There were three Elders (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) there when the Sanhedrin was fully rejecting Jesus, and throwing out God's covenant. I don't know why it is neat to me that God follows the rules, because it shouldn't be.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Luke 1,2 ; John 19:17-27

A lot of things could be said about Mary. She must have been a very faithful and devoted woman to be chosen of all the people on the earth, in all history to have the son of God. I think this reflects the feeling by God that good parents can make a difference in the raising of children. She was so faithful too. Her reaction to finding out she was pregnant was to run away from rumors to her cousins house, and rejoice during this experience. What a tough time this must have been for Joseph.

Even more intense was the end of Jesus life. The ridicule that she could have endured at the beginning would have been nothing to the courage as she walked right up to the cross in the midst of Roman Soldiers and a crowd of nay sayers. This woman was bold! I am not sure that I would have been that bold, but I don't know what I would have done. I do know this, She was an WOG!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Dan. 6

So first obvious question, Why didn't Daniel just move back from the window like 3 feet? or close them, or pray in his closet like the Bible tells us? Seems to me like he is goading them. To go back to your room and blatantly disobey doesn't seem like what God wants him to do? I am impressed with the king tho. I don't honestly believe that they were appealing to his ego. If you read it you find that they say that all the princes of the kingdom have gotten together and come up with the king stamps it into law. A case could be made where it says that the king is upset with himself when they tell him about Daniel, but I think it is more likely that he just signed it and kept going like nothing was abnormal. Either way, he spends all day trying to overturn it, then speaks to Daniel of his faith in God, then he spends the whole night fasting (and maybe praying). Then Daniel who is always solid, and here demonstrates an incredible trust in God and faithfulness to him goes willingly into the pit. Another question, why does Daniel say 'live forever' to the king? wasn't that a phrase saved for the people that actually considered the king a god?

Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego

Dan 3

A couple of thoughts come to mind.... Where is Daniel during all this hoopla? He seems to be missing, or he's bowing down, but I don't think that is as legitimate. And why did the king think to build a golden statue? Was it really a statue that was supposed to look like the one in his dreams, just this one was all gold? I semi buy that and think that is probably tru, but I also think it could be a giant golden statue of the god that they were serving (Marduk, and Dagon, but I think Dagon was Darius, so probably Marduk). Why did the king spend all that time and money getting those leaders together just to have them bow to this image. It seems like he wouldn't have wasted everyones time like that. Another question I have is why didn't the guards stop heating it? Like they literally heated it until they died! That is stupid in my book, because I would stop as soon as I couldn't handle the heat anymore. Anyway, I just think they are stupid. Final question is do you think the king is actually referring to his limited knowledge of Jesus when he says that there was the image of the son of man in the fire with Shad, Mesh, and Abed?

Saturday, October 3, 2009


Esther 1-10

This chick was a WOG!! One thing I wonder is when it says that all these virgins were preparing themselves for the king, were they all sleeping with him? That would make me wonder if she was really doing what God wanted. But maybe she said no, or maybe it's ok because she did Marry him. What do you think? I also didn't really understand why Mordecai didn't bow before Hamaan. It wasn't like he would have been calling Hamaan a God. I think it was simply a sign of respect and honor, but maybe Mordecai didn't respect Hamaan....I don't know.

I do know that She is ballin when she walks right past the guards and into the court without the king calling her in. That was bold! Then again it was bold to point at Hamaan and say that he was plotting against them when this was the Kings homeboy! This was like his best friend, and if anyone had more loyalty to the king it was him. So she is a courageous woman in my book. A woman whose Courage saves a nation!

Just a thought

Maybe we should stop being frustrated with the church and trying to change it. Maybe we should just be part of it and get involved as much as we can. We are always talking about it's problems and solutions, and maybe it doesn't help. I don't know, and I'm open to ideas, but I have definitely been part of the this is the problem, if they only...


2 Sam 11, 12

Wow, I'm reading this David, Urijah and Bathesheba story and I'm mesmerized. I've read it tons of times before, but still it is interesting. It is amazing how David continues to dig himself a hole even though he knows it is wrong. I can't believe how much lying is being thrown around here....not to mention cheating! Nathan tho, what a guy!!! Brave and Courageous, and Bold to go stand before a guy that just had someone killed to cover up his sin. Nathan is my boy, talking in parables like Jesus. It just goes to show how the Pharisees could have reacted when they knew there sin. Wow, this story nearly brought tears to my eyes, what a bold thing for Nathan to do, and what an incredible response from David. I'm impressed with how Nathan does the work of the Lord no matter who where or how. But I can't say i'm not also impressed with David's response. When it came to decision time, either I'm going to fully embrace this lie, or I'm going to fully come clean, David did the right thing.

Thursday, October 1, 2009


1 Samuel 17 is the chapter we are going to be working with, so....
I always think of the movie troy when I read these verses and that Giant guy with bulging muscles that is totally owned by Brad Pitt. I think it is crazy how much more you can carry and wear with two more inches and more body weight, but here is a guy with 3 more feet, and is thick with muscle!
Couple quick questions that I know you already know the answer to:
Who should have fought Goliath?
Why did David pick up 5 stones?

Why didn't Israel attack instead of sit there waiting for forty days? It seems to me like I would have maybe waited four or five days, then said, "OK, we don't have anyone that wants to challenge you, lets just go attack the whole army." Well, now that I read vs. 21 it looks like they were fighting every day. It sounds like David keeps asking him what the king will give him, but I also sense a focus more on the removing of the reproach that the philistine is bringing on him. I can't decide. I do want to say that David sounds like a thug! I always have loved the part where they talk cause Goliath is like, hey, curse you by my god's, then the birds and the animals are going to eat you. Then David's argument back is like, nuh uh I'm going to curse you by my God, then the birds and animals are going to eat you! Take that Goliath right back at you. It is kinda a weak but very strong retaliation.
It's kinda a gross finish with David carrying Goliath's head, but what I think is significant is that David does all this for God's reputation sake. To Show that the God of heaven is the living and true God. That takes a lot of guts to do what he did, but he was prepared for the moment.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Booyah, our first WOG!!

Ok, so we start off with a polygamist... poor Hannah
She can't have babies... poor Hannah
(Did the Lord "shut up her womb?")
The other woman made fun of her... poor Hannah

So she cried and cried and wouldn't eat. This seems like a poor start to a woman of God, but wait. When Jonah was faced with a tough situation he ran away. When Jacob was faced with a tough situation he ran away. She actually did the right thing and went and poured out her heart to God and laid on Him her entire situation. She didn't point her finger at God and say that he did this to her, but rather she made a deal that if she did have a child then she would give it back, or return it to God.

2 questions:
1. Is making a deal with God okay?
2. Do you think that God might close up her womb to cause her to make the deal?

What is crazy to me is that she equates being drunk with being a daughter of Belial - or daughter of the one who opposes God (Satan in some translations of the word). That is a pretty clear argument against drinking right?
What does it mean that Elkanah knew Hannah his wife? (lol, jk don't answer)
In verses 21-23 does it seem like her hubby is saying that God is behind all this, and giving him credit and telling her not to fall short on her side of the deal?

Vs. 25 in my mind is where Hannah becomes one of the most faithful. All she has ever wanted was a child, she has put up with crap all throughout her marriage, she makes a deal with God and then she gives her child to God...She comes through. WOG baby!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Joshua 6--- So what's the deal with God saying that He has given someone into Joshua's hand, and why do they have to kill them? Why can't they all just get along?

It is actually the next part that I think is really amazing. It is one thing to be told BY God that you are supposed to walk around a city, but it is quite another for Joshua to come out and convince them that they are supposed to do that. I can see Joshua now coming up to the priests and saying, "So I know I just got this job and all, but here's what i was told we should do... walk around the city once for seven days, then 7 times on the seventh day and the walls will just fall down, what do you think?" I'm not buying it.

General knowledge question:
Which way did the walls crumble, out/ in/ or straight down in both directions?
Did they kill women and children?
Did God tell them to do that?
Are you OK with that thought?

I'm fully impressed with Joshua. He's another one of those guys that you can't find anything that he did wrong, only a whole book of him following God, even to the last chapter when he says, "choose you this day whom ye will serve... but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."

Monday, September 28, 2009

And We're Back, live with ...... Moses

For the most part stick with Exodus 32, but if you are feeling it, you can hit up others....
So the first thought I had was that God was over the mountain in a cloud. Whether or not Moses was dead, why weren't they scared of the guy that killed all those Egyptians? The next thing I got to thinking was that the earrings in their ears were a form of identification of slavery. I assume that there was some specific look to the earrings to identify them as slaves, and if that was carried through to Jesus time, does that mean that earrings are ok today? Especially because there is a completely different association with jewelery today. Ok, so I think it really funny that God decides that they are Moses' people because they are in the midst of apostasy in vs. 7. It is also crazy how frustrated God is, and with reason, picture this: God gets these people out of Egypt, they are grumbling the whole way, He finally gets them to settle down and have faith in Him, takes Moses up the hill and starts working on how to help them get along, and not 40 days later they have QUICKLY turned aside, made an idol, worshipped it, AND sacrificed to it. Man when those Isrealites do something, they do it wrong and fast! Wow, and then in vs. 12 Moses tells God to turn from His wrath and repent of evil, and then he does in vs. 14...any thoughts there?

I don't know why Moses all the sudden has the right to throw God's writing on the ground to make a point. He is basically doing the same thing as the others, just in Righteous anger instead of stupidity. Doesn't make it any more right. This is my new favorite Bible story, because of this next part, compare what Aaron says here with what the Bible says at the beginning of the chapter. These people are set on mischief vs. 22 they gave me their gold and I threw it in the fire vs. 24 And out popped this golden calf, crazy, I don't know how it happened, so I figured I would strip all those that stayed loyal to the real God vs. 25 and worship, sacrifice, and dance around this baby cow. It's not my fault really.

I really love how Moses draws a line in the sand, and says that it is time to choose. That is such a MOG thing to do. Your either on God's side, or your not PERIOD

Friday, September 25, 2009


Hey, I'm sorry, but I am at a Youth Bible Camp, and I begged the people to let me on here to write this. I guess we will have to postpone this until Monday, and we will begin picking it up again there. I didn't realize I would be in the middle of no where for this :-)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Ok, so here are my thoughts on Joseph. I honestly love this guy, beside of one question that he asks in jail to the Butler, "But think on me when it shall be well with thee, and show kindness, I pray thee, unto me, and make mention of me unto Pharaoh, and bring me out of this house...For...I have done nothing that they should put me into the dungeon.", I honestly can't see a single thing he did that wasn't good, or Loyal. I am blown away with his response to Potiphar's wife, but I do wonder if it wouldn't have been better to just tell Potiphar that his wife was coming on to me. I pray daily that I never find myself in a situation like that. One Question:
Do you think Joseph was acting like a little jerk brother when he told his brothers and parents about the dreams, or do you think they were just responding incorrectly?

Monday, September 21, 2009


So, for everyone else, Abraham covers a lot of chapters, and I just wanted to cut it down a little so that ya'll could handle it in 14 mins. So I have shrunk it to chap. 22, but some extra questions for the likes of fun people like Andrea......
1. vs. 1 says that God tempted Abraham, does that mean that God sets us up for failure, aka, He is actually the one doing all that tempting? Is it right for God to tempt at all?
2. How did Abraham know that God was talking to him?
3. Why didn't Abraham question God a little bit like in the Sodom and Gomorrah story? Seems like now is the time to actually bargain with God a little.
4. Everyone always assumes that Issac went along with this whole plan, but where does it say that? all the Bible says is that Abraham bound him.
5. Should you ever believe a Spirit if it says to kill someone else? How could you be sure that it was from God?
6. In vs. 17, what does it mean "thy seed shall possess the gate of his enemies"?

Some extra for Andrea, and whoever else if anyone actually reads this:
1. What nationality was Abraham?
2. Why did Abraham stop asking God if he would destroy the city at ten's sake?
3. What does Sodom teach us about the Character of God?
4. What sense does chap. 18 vs. 18 for God's reasoning?

I won't clog up any more time with more questions

Sunday, September 20, 2009


Just some questions that I thought would be fun to talk about.... (and give some evidence if you have some)
1. There is always that famous question of Gen 6: 2,4 where it says the sons of God ... took the daughters of [men]: does that mean that some other beings ("the sons of God") came in and had babies with daughters of man[kind]?
2. In vs. 3 does the Bible mean that God was giving the people 120 years to get their acts together before he would send a flood, or does this mean that God was saying that mankind would only live to be 120 years old on earth from now on (post-flood)? (this is a good one huh Andrea ;)
3. In vs. 4 if there were giants on the earth in those days, why haven't we uncovered their bones yet? Like we uncover dinosaur bones.
4. When it says God repented of making mankind, does that mean that God was sorry that he made them, or made a mistake? (vs. 5-7)
5. How old was Noah when he had his kids and when the floods came? Did he start preaching before they were born?
6. Why did God want different numbers of clean and unclean animals in chap. 7 vs. 2,3?
7. What does it mean in chap. 7 vs. 11 when it says that "fountains of the great deep [were] broken up?"

Have Fun!!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

14 Names of MOG's, and WOG's!!

Alright folks, it's time to start a new series of blogs... sorry it's been so long, I was at Big Lake this summer which gave me no time. The way this works is you start at 10 mins, and then you go up by two's each day until you end up at 36 mins at the end of 14 days. Here are the 14 names:
Shad,Mesha, Abed

you read about these people in the alotted time, then you get on here and you comment around about what you read, hopefully we'll get some good convo going. :-)

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


So I got to go to Georgia and watch Donnie Keele get murred, and sure enough he did. It was pretty cool, and I was lovin' the good time of hanging out with some good friends! It was a good refresher, and I'm ready to do some bloggin'.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

On the other side of the Radio

The other night I was driving home from work, and the radio was playing a program called sink or swim. Now what they do with this program is compare two songs, and whoever wins goes onto the next day, whoever loses is out. They were playing a tenth avenue north song vs. a michael w. smith song. I thought they were both pretty good, but the tenth avenue north was better. I guess I was bored and driving so I called in. The radio woman asked me which I liked better, I said that I definitely liked the North song better. I was still listening to the station and as soon as it got back from commercial there was a collage of answers, then they had my voice loud and clear to finish it off saying "definitely tenth avenue north" and then time stood still, and the world quit spinning all because I was on the radio...well, it was still pretty cool to hear myself when I realize I was going to be on the air :)

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The luck of the Irish!!

Yesterday I played in a golf tourney at a nice country club and just had an amazing time. I won't go into all the details, but suffice it to say that I think I learned a couple things. I also was sitting around at the end during the raffle, and there it was, my number called, and I won a round with four at the course (a $400 value). I'm not so excited about the round as I am about maybe pawning it off for a nice bag :) I also met some good people yesterday.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Real Friends

Real Friends are the ones that do what they say. They go out of their way for your feelings, and would be trampled under an elephant....fill in the blank....I also think real friends tell you when you are out of line, but not when you are hot about it, they do it when you can listen and in a way you can listen. Real friends do the whole repentance thing where they say they are sorry, and then turn back from the way they are acting, they aren't saying they are sorry so that they can continue in that course of action or saying they are sorry for your feelings. Just thought I would say a little about friends and also that I think Donald Ruben Keele III is an amazing friend.

Friday, April 10, 2009

The Procedure

I'm not going to tell you everything, but I will tell you some things. I had to have this awful procedure done called a flexible sigmoidoscopy. It was awful. For the prep I had to starve myself and give myself enima's! This was awful...AWFUL!! Then when I went in for the procedure I was wide awake during the whole thing, and I also had to endure this incredible painful procedure. Bit of advice: always take the anesthesia and the colonoscopy (you drink instead of insert). I was traumatized the rest of the day, and I'm just starting to recover.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

An epitaph for a loved one

This is the name of a loved one that was such a beautiful creature of God. Her name means "lace-like" which in some ways described her looks as well as her personality as she was a princess in some regards. Tonight the call was received by a dear friend that Lacey had a seizure and rolled down a hill, therefore they will be putting this beautiful old dog to rest. She leaves behind a loving master in Shayna Bowman, as well as a brother, father, and mother. Lacey always strived to be the most loving dog she possibly could be, by bringing joy in laughter, comfort from pain, and companionship to bar out loneliness. Lacey got to enjoy seldom bursts of freedom when the door would momentarily open and there was just enough room where she could go flying out to defend her land from squirrel and cat. Lacey had her fair share of waffles from her family, and even enjoyed a man who couldn't say no to her no matter what he tried. Lacey's life was long and good; she will pass at the ripe old age of 17 which is well past what most dogs enjoy. Her last days were plumb and easy, and she will most be remembered for her nights sleeping in the bed of her master Shayna Bowman. Goodbye dear girl.

Monday, April 6, 2009


Once when I was 7 I went into a field with my friend Richard Matthis. We took these really cool sturdy sticks and started acting like we were teenage mutant ninja turtles. We chopped down like 7 long rows of corn, swinging our staffs around like donatello, and using them as a sword like Leo. They figured out it was us, and my mom and Richard's mom had to pay the farmer for his destroyed crop. What's worse is I lied and said that Jacob Greene was there, one of my other friends who wasn't there. Sad story I guess, but boy was it fun.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

I can wait no longer...

I am so excited by thought that Christ will soon be coming again! I've been thinking a lot lately about things, and isn't it interesting when you compare the last 100 years with the rest of time in every subject. And what about the last 30 years? Is that a healthy way to look at conclusions about Christ?

Friday, April 3, 2009

What is your favorite old book?

I'm reading 20,000 leagues under the sea, and realizing that they just don't make books like they used to. When I was a kid I actually liked to read, and I think it was because I like those books, but don't like the books that exist now...What do you think, what is your favorite old book?

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

9th grade!

I took 3 of my youth group girls out to taco bell tonight for fun. They are all freshman girls. I guess I don't really need to say more, but I will. So what I don't understand is a couple of things right now, 1. why do they always giggle about nothing and then when you ask them what they are giggling about it is too embarrassing for them to tell you? 2. why do they never ask me any questions?....ya know a one way conversation is hard, and frustrating!

It's My Birthday!!......April Fools :-)

No, but seriously, it is. I love it when people don't believe me. I don't even try to convince them. But just to let the world know through my blog, today is my birthday, on April 1, 1985, which means I am 24 today....April Fools Day.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Unfamiliar Territory

Oh Snap!! When I was 13 my stepmom had a boy. I was tucked nicely away about an hour from all the action. When I was 16 my stepmom had a girl. I was 610 miles south of the containment area this time. Those are the extent of my hospital visits to Mom's about to have children....Until today. I had the distinct priviledge to visit a woman in the hospital today who already had her water break, and was dialating, and had already had her epidural. I'm not going to say that I was comfortable, and I'm not going to say I knew what I was doing there, but I do know that I am ready to wait even a little longer than we are to have kids! Peace :-)

Monday, March 30, 2009

3 tails

1st -

2nd - I was planning on finishing the show I was watching yesterday evening before running out to the basketball carpool, so I planned on speeding since I was going to be late... I drive out of our development, and a cop follows me the entire way.....oh wow, how many yellow lights I stopped at!

3rd - Today I broke the law to make up for it.... running late once again I did like 80 the whole way to my church, and that is crazy for Portland (you wouldn't understand unless you lived here).

Sunday, March 29, 2009

This brings me to another episode of I say the dumbest things...

So today I went to a memorial service at our church. Fair enough, but wait. I was directing traffic, and then I was showing people to the fellowship hall, and I was very busy, hold on. A guy comes up to me and starts to talk to me while I'm trying to tell some people where to go, and says, "man, this is so frustrating; all these people keep talking to me, and telling me who I'm related to and I don't know any of them..." not quite yet. I fairly well ignore him because I'm totally working doing other things, and eventually he walks away and goes and sits on a pew, almost there. Brad Nunn tells me to start looking for the owner of a car so I start asking people if they owned a red durango, and.... I go up to this guy and say, "so are you bored yet?" with like 4 people all gathered around him; every one of them and me realizing that that is an idiotic thing to ask someone who just lost a love one at the memorial service- and there it is. So plastered across my head is "I'm an Idiot!"

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Patty's gaming extravaganza!!

Tonight I played the greatest thing not ever, but in a long time... My wifes classmate, and hopefully my soon to be friend has made a cool machine. It is a computer with a game emulator and over a thousand wonderful games found on tons of different consoles, connected to an actual arcade case. It has a joystick and like 8 buttons that you can jam down on as much as you want....I love it... good night world :)

Friday, March 27, 2009

The wrong way you Idiot!

Tonight my wife watched a car pull the wrong way down a one way street, then he realized it, so what did he do? Oh yes, he pulled up on the sidewalk to drive down that towards a woman who moved out of the way until he made it to the next road....answer: don't drive down a one way street! (I'm not sure, but you can probably change the he's to she's) :-)

Questions of Curiosity

So I read this blog article given to me by a church member, and it was about this agnostic Jew who reads the whole Bible, experiences all kinds of emotions, learns all kinds of things, and ends up angrily believing that God doesn't actually exist. Wow, I don't really know how that works, but one of the questions he asked I really liked:

Why in the world is there so much death and vengeance in the Old Testament and Bible followers call God a loving God?

I would like to know the answer to that as well, but if you believe in the late great egw you can find a phrase in GC about being in heaven where our views on all God's actions will change from fear and awe, to understanding and Joy. He's not content with one day we will find out, but I guess I am... what are your takes?

Thursday, March 26, 2009

1-2 Punch

It's amazing that golf costs what it costs to play. It is an expensive game to play. Although everything else is starting to catch up... Movies-like $20 for two, and Taco Bell- like $5 for a meal (I used to get it for $2.17- one 7layer, 1bean burrito, side of baja sauce and a water)... times are a changing. Golf is always interesting to me, because it is an up and down game. On the 1st hole I destroyed the ball down the very center to put me 65 yds from the pin, and then chipped it inside 12'. I then Nancy'ed it about an inch shy because the greens had been aerrated, this made me angry, but I felt like a professional.....Until hole two which I double bogeyed (from glory to gross lack of measuring up). Hole 5 nearly the same story, Blasted the skin off the ball up the center, but it was a long par 4, so I was 170 from the pin. I pulled it a little off the left side of the green, but wait.....!!!.......I chipped it 6 inches from the cup.....back to pro status :-) Then came hole 7, another double bogey, and both the doubles came on par 5's. The world of golf doesn't make since, but I'll continue to play, and life will continue to be amazing one minute, and poop the next.

This is the Diary of Keith Bowman II...

So, Here's my new blog site! Every day (hopefully) I am going to update it with some event that happened to me that was interesting